Please join me at Mess Hall this Sunday afternoon for the opening reception of Killing Season: Chicago 2010.
As of May 1st 2010, it was estimated that the same number of Americans were killed in Chicago as in the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq combined. In a time when Americans are focused on simultaneous wars in places that are beyond our immediate reach, I am interested in exposing the breadth of violence that occurs right here in the city of Chicago. It is common to hear someone say after a particularly devastating day for the city, “And it’s not even summer yet.” As the temperature rises so does the homicide rate. Beginning on Memorial Day and ending on Labor Day of 2010, I tracked the homicides in the city. Once the crime scenes were processed and the yellow tape was taken down, I visited and photographed the location of each murder. These 168 images will be shown as a data driven installation in order to make tangible the statistics that we gloss over in the news everyday.
Killing Season:Chicago 2010
Mess Hall
6932 North Glenwood Ave
Chicago, IL
Opening reception:
Sunday May1st, 2:00 - 4:30 PM
On Display:
May 1st - 7th
Opein 1:00 - 4:00 PM Daily
This event is co-sponsered by Project NIA and Mess Hall