For those of you that live in Chicago and do your daily commutes on the trains or busses, you probably pick up the RedEye to pass the time on the way to your destination. If so, you most likely notice that each Thursday, they publish a map showing all the homicides in the city for the week along with the dates, addresses, and causes of death. This past week there was only 1 homicide in the City of Chicago.
As quoted from the article above, "RedEye has never published a homicide map with just one victim since the newspaper began printing homicide maps in February 2009." There was a six day span between the last two homicides, which is recently unheard of in Chicago.
19 homicides have been recorded so far for the month of January 2011, just one less than least year with a few days to go.
While it is unfortunate that there was even one death, it is exciting to see such a quiet week.
Here is a link to the RedEye Homicide Tracker.